A triadic color palette forms a triangle on the color wheel. It’s the most versatile type of palette and imo the best one in general. Also, don’t be afraid to move the colors around a bit I personally like blue/yellow, brown/cyan, purple/orange, etc. Usually this works best if one color is a lighter shade while one’s darker.
Essentially, these are two colors that are on opposite sides of a color wheel, examples being blue/orange, purple/yellow, or green/red. I wouldn’t make an entire level like this but maybe a couple parts here and there could look nice- gray parts look quite nice, obviously, but other colors such as red or blue also work.Ĭomplementary: This one is by far my favorite and the one I use most often.
Monochromatic: Basically just different shades of the same color. I’d say maybe try something a bit different, like: These are all analogous palettes (meaning colors are right next to each other on the wheel).